Hollywood Casino to shut doors early during coronavirus

are casinos open during curfew

are casinos open during curfew - win

Covid-19 - new February lockdown rules - what you can and can't do

The Catalan government has announced updated rules and guidelines relating to the ongoing pandemic.
TLDR: as of Monday 8 February, you can:
You are not allowed to leave or enter Catalonia without good reason (e.g. work, emergency, important administrative reasons, court summons, caring for dependents, etc).
Comarcal (county, NOT municipal) lockdown from Monday 8 February - 22 February
The daily curfew rules remain:
Bars and restaurants:
Shops, stores and other businesses:
Sport and fitness
submitted by thebadrash to Barcelona [link] [comments]

Proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward: Lebanon will undergo 4 stages of easing the lockdown, each phase for a period of 15 days. Details in the post.

This is the circulated proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward. We are still waiting for the official documents from the ministry for confirmation.
On February 8th, some urgent production sectors will open, but what is inevitable now is that the general lockdown will continue, meaning that the curfew will remain in effect 24/7, and leaving your house is only acceptable upon permission granted from the official platform.
The opening of the sectors will be according to 4 phases, each phase for a period of 15 days.

Stage 1

In the first stage, the supermarket and mini-market will be opened while preserving the delivery facility. Going to the supermarket needs permission, which is given for a period of two hours .. For this purpose, any person should get permission and save the "qr code" that will be checked upon entry and exit of any supermarket.
Also, at this stage, industries related to agriculture, poultry, livestock, and milk production will be opened .. Its employees are required to take the PCR test every 14 days.
Banks will open their doors at 20% of their absorptive capacity.

Stage 2

In the second phase, the following sectors will be added:
Car dealerships, car repairs, laundry, taxis, buses, construction works, and licensed factories with a capacity of 40%. It is forbidden to work for any citizen over the age of 60 years and there is a necessity to routinely perform a pcr test.

Stage 3

In the third phase, all kinds of trade that have not previously opened will be opened. Banks and factories will operate at 50% of the absorptive capacity .. The decision to ban citizens who have passed the age of 60 will remain in effect, and the PCR examination of the employees will be conducted every 30 days.

Stage 4

In the fourth and final phase, the restaurant halls, Casino du Liban, tourist and historical sites, indoor swimming pools, beaches and streets, sports clubs and game centers will be opened, meaning all sectors will resume work, and those over the age of 60 will be allowed to work.

Education Sector

With regard to the education sector and nurseries, the committee recommends not to open them during the first phase, provided that the Ministry of Education and Higher Education coordinates with the Ministry of Public Health and the health authorities concerned with studying the available data and data and setting up a mechanism for opening this sector.
It should be noted that in order to move from one stage to another, health indicators will be looked at during each stage, and the Ministry of Health must determine the extent of readiness of the medical sector, the number of regular beds and the icu beds that have been prepared, and the epidemiological reality numbers, and according to these numbers it is decided to follow the stages or not.
في الثامن من شباط ستفتح بعض القطاعات الانتاجية الملحة وما هو محتم حتى الساعة ان الاقفال العام مستمر اي ان منع التجول سيبقى ساريا ٢٤/٧ والخروج مشترط باذن ممنوح من المنصة الرسمية.
فتح القطاعات سيكون وفق ٤ مراحل، كل مرحلة لفترة ١٥ يوما.

المرحلة الاولى

في المرحلة الاولى ستفتح السوبرماركت والميني ماركت مع الحفاظ على وسيلة الديليفري، التوجه نحو السوبرماركت بحاجة لاذن يعطى لفترة ساعتين.. ولهذا الغرض فّعلت الية الـ “qr code” يتم مسحه عند الدخول والخروج، علما ان قبل ١٥ دقيقة من انتهاء الوقت المحدد للتبضع سيتم ارسال اشعار للمواطن بضرورة الاسراع.
ايضا في هذه المرحلة ستفتح الصناعات المتعلقة بالزراعة والدواجن والمواشي وانتاج الحليب.. ويشترط على موظفيها ان يقوموا بفحص pcr كل ١٤ يوما.
والمصارف ستفتح ابوابها بنسبة ٢٠٪؜ من قدرتها الاستيعابية.

المرحلة الثانية

في المرحلة الثانية ستضاف القطاعات التالية:
وكالات السيارات وتصليح السيارات، المصبغة الاجرة ، الحافلات ، اعمال البناء، والمصانع المرخصة بسعة ٤٠٪؜ وممنوع ان يعمل اي مواطن تخطى ال ٦٠ عاما وهناك ضرورة باجراء فحص الpcr بشكل روتيني.

المرحلة الثالثة

في المرحلة الثالثة ستفتح كل انواع التجارة التي لم تفتح مسبقا المصارف والمصانع ستعمل بنسبة ٥٠٪؜ من القدرة الاستيعابية.. قرار منع المواطنين الذين تخطوا ال ٦٠ عاما سيبقى ساريا وسيجرى فحص ال pcr للموظفين كل ٣٠ يوما.

المرحلة الرابعة

في المرحلة الرابعة والاخيرة ستفتح صالات المطاعم كازينو لبنان المواقع السياحية والتاريخية المسابح الداخلية الشواطىء والشوارع النوادي الرياضية ومراكز الالعاب.. اي كل القطاعات ستعاود العمل وسيسمح لمن هم فوق الـ ٦٠ عاما مزاولة العمل.

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات توصي اللجنة بعدم فتحھا خلال المرحلة الأولى على أن تقوم وزارة التربیة والتعلیم العالي بالتنسیق مع وزارة الصحة العامة والجھات الصحیة المختصة بدراسة البیانات والمعطیات المتوافرة ووضع آلیة فتح هذا القطاع.
تجدر الاشارة الى انه للانتقال من مرحلة الى اخرى سينظر الى المؤشرات الصحية خلال كل مرحلة وعلى وزارة الصحة ان تحدد مدى جهوزية القطاع الطبي وعدد الاسرة العادية والـ icu beds التي جُهزت وارقام الواقع الوبائي، ووفقا لهذه الارقام يقرر المتابعة بالمراحل من عدمها.
News Coverage here and here
submitted by ThePerito to lebanon [link] [comments]

Covid-19 - new January lockdown rules - what you can and can't do

The Catalan government has announced updated rules and guidelines for January-February.

As of Thursday 7 January:

You are not allowed to leave or enter Catalonia without good reason (e.g. work, emergency, important administrative reasons, court summons, caring for dependents, etc).
Municipal lockdown Thursday 7 January - Sunday 7 February (inclusive)
The daily curfew rules remain:
Bars and restaurants:
Shops, stores and other businesses:
Sport and fitness
submitted by thebadrash to Barcelona [link] [comments]

COVID-19 - Christmas lockdown rules - what you can and can't do

The Catalan government has just announced updated rules and guidelines for the Christmas period.

As of Monday 21 December:

You are not allowed to leave or enter Catalonia without good reason (e.g. work, emergency, important administrative reasons, court summons, caring for dependents, etc), or to visit family.
Comarca/county lockdown Monday 21 December - Monday 11 January
The daily curfew rules remain:
Bars and restaurants:
Shops, stores and other businesses:
Sport and fitness
submitted by thebadrash to Barcelona [link] [comments]

New lockdown rules from Monday (23 November) - what is allowed

New lockdown rules from Monday (23 November) - what is allowed
As an update to the previous post about the new lockdown, here is the newly confirmed plan for relaxing those measures.

As of Monday 23 November:

You are not allowed to leave or enter Catalonia without good reason (e.g. work, emergency, important administrative reasons, court summons, caring for dependents, etc).
Municipal lockdown Friday 0600 - Monday 0600 (Fri 6am to Mon 6am).
  • You may not leave your town or city during this time, except for good reason (e.g. work, school, looking after dependents, medical emergency, etc)
  • You can meet in groups of 6 people max
The daily curfew rules remain unchanged:
  • Everyone should be off the streets and indoors between 2200-0600
  • Public transport schedules do not change
  • You can use a "self responsibility certificate" to explain why you're breaking the rules
  • Fines range from 300€ to 6,000€
Bars and restaurants:
  • May open from 6am to 6pm
  • May open from 6pm to 9.30pm, but only to serve meals
  • Max 4 people per table
  • Indoors: 30% occupancy
  • Terraces: 100% occupancy
  • 2 meter safety distance must be observed for all customers
  • Deliveries until 11pm, collect take out until 10pm
Shops, stores and other businesses:
  • Smaller stores (under 800m2) can open with 30% occupancy
  • Bigger stores (over 800m2) can now also open at 30%
  • Shopping centers remain closed, excepting the shops that serve key needs (food, medical, etc), or which you can access directly from the street
  • Hairdressers and beauty salons can open, clients need a prior appointment
  • Cinemas, theaters and concert halls may open to 50% occupancy (max 500 people)
  • Museums and galleries open to 50%
  • Universities to continue with distance classes where possible
  • After school activities limited to groups of 6
Sport and fitness
  • Outdoor sports facilities open (max 50% occupancy)
  • Gyms and sports centers open, max 30% occupancy, and clients will need to book in advance. Changing rooms cannot be used except for going swimming
  • Competitions remain suspended
  • Outdoors sports activities in groups of 6 max,
  • Casinos, bingo halls etc remain closed
  • Indoor playgrounds remain closed
  • Outdoor playgrounds open until 8pm
  • Religious and civil ceremonies allowed, up to 30% occupancy
  • Companies should encourage working from home, where possible
  • Conventions, trade shows and fairs etc. are all banned
The plan is to phase more relaxation of the rules in over the next few weeks:
Plan for deescalation (via https://www.ccma.cat/324/la-desescalada-al-detall-restaurants-fins-a-les-21-30-i-nadal-amb-mobilitat/noticia/3060746/)
submitted by thebadrash to Barcelona [link] [comments]

COVID-19 Megathread #6

This post is updated daily.
You can also follow the Reddit Live thread here.
COVID-19 has now infected more than 215,956 people. There have been 8,757 confirmed deaths and 84,080 confirmed recoveries attributed to the virus.
Recent Updates
Note: These are the updates from the last 48-72 hours.
MARCH 18 -
MARCH 17 -
MARCH 16 -
Tracking COVID-19
Reputable Sources for Information:
submitted by hoosakiwi to news [link] [comments]

Casino's ignoring shutdowns and staying up is gross.

I'm a table games dealer for a casino in California in a county with the second most Covid cases in the entire state. Our Casino, and every other one in California is just choosing to ignore the shut down and curfew mandates and remain open. But don't worry all of our guests have chin diapers on and will be served about 19 cocktails during their time there with us. We've also made it so when you're on a slot machine you're at least 1 and half feet away from the next guy and if you're playing tables you're at least 2 feet apart and playing with chips they haven't been cleaned or sanitized since the doors opened 20+ years ago. And don't worry if we catch you without a mask or with it down since every guest has 1 million strikes until they're out.
Casino's are probably the most non essential business in history and yet they refuse to close or do ANYTHING to help the spread. Our employees are actually told not to say anything if they have Covid. Our pit boss was just out for 3 weeks and when he came back all he could say was "I was sick" but we can get in major trouble if we tell guests that. This is fucking ridiculous and gross.
And to top it off, we're extending hours for the holidays since, and I quote, "We won't close, Thanksgiving is the busiest time of the year!"
Casinos will literally kill their employees before closing and losing a dollar of their millions and millions and its the grossest thing I've ever seen.
submitted by Blkjpkmn to Vent [link] [comments]

Closest Mario Kart 8 Game (and Switch) to Mountain West Schools

It has been said that the Mountain West conference is “At the Peak,” and to me, nothing illustrates that more, than the fact that there are 12 teams competing in the only NCAA Division 1 conference that sponsors e-sports. Of course, since the matches are played head-to-head, Boise State has an advantage because they tint the monitors blue, and play with all blue avatars; an advantage that is confirmed in their winning of League of Legends and Overwatch, but with the Spring season being cut, next year the Mountain West has announced that they will be playing Mario Kart 8, for the Nintendo Switch. Due to the large amounts of people in the Mountain West cities suddenly having $1200 burning a hole in their pocket, every store that sells Nintendo Switch has sold out of their allotment; yes, even, Amazon. So, thus the conundrum becomes: How can these players, prospects, and ordinary people practice in order to “git gud” as the gamers would say? Well, that’s where I come in. For, you see, since I am allowed out on the streets again, finally, due to both my prison sentence being cut short, and my work being determined to be “essential,” I had the time to scope out some places. Alas, while my cough and fever are not improving as much as I had hoped since I last got back from Italy, I did manage to find some time to visit all of the Mountain West cities in order to find the easiest place to get a Switch and Mario Kart 8 location. For simplicity’s sake, I am going by the football stadium since it’s a well-defined point in most locations – San José State fans, the football stadium is that big ovoid building at the corner of E Alma Ave, and S 7th St… It’s the place where the people aren’t on Saturday’s is September. Should you get hungry during your travels, I have also managed to find a some breakfast locations in the same vicinity


Air Force

Okay, so I lied a little; I tried to get into the university, but, unfortunately the men with guns wouldn’t actually let me get beyond the gate on S Gate Rd, and I was still a little jet-lagged having just gotten in from Frankfurt after having woken up for my 0610 flight for the Linate to Frankfurt leg (stupid weather prevented the flight from Denver to ABQ, but my loss is your gain). So, while this may not be the closest, it certainly will fit the bill. Tyler-Jay Rowland who lives at 3075 Navigation Drive, in Colorado Springs was more than willing to help out, especially since his son, Jeremiah, was grounded for a month for staying out after curfew two weekends in a row. As the falcon flies, this location is 5.2 miles away; in a car, it’s not too much further than that.

Boise State

Now, I don’t, technically, hate the way that Boise is laid out with the river running right through the center of town, but even though Maci Drew lives in the Clearwater Apartments, unit 323, which is in a straight line, only a quarter of a mile from the stadium, you will have to go the Exxtramile, to get to her apartment. Also, she would like me to point out, that times for a waitress like herself are a little rough, so please, if you’re hungry, skip Taco Bell, and eat at the Bar Gernika in downtown Boise, right next to the Central Plaza and Century Link Arena. “We have wifi” she said.

Colorado State

This is, by far, the most remarkable location; I had completely forgotten that they moved to an on-campus stadium, so I initially went to the Hughes Stadium location, and found a big pile of dirt. And not much else – well, if you exclude the trees that formed a nice line, that brought me back to my college days. Having corrected my too old Garmin in-car GPS, I found Tim Thatcher on 604 Balsam Ln; he’s a little deaf, so you might need to knock like you are ram-ing down the door. He bought the Switch after his wife of 35 years died to help him grieve and spend his retirement, “but it’s just making me too sad lately, and I’ve never been very good at vid’ya [sic] games. I still don’t know how I’m supposed to save the princess when she’s trying to beat me… That reminds me of my princess, who I lost last year. She was so kind, we met in high school, I had an onion on my belt as was the style in those days. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.” I’ll be honest, at this point I started zoning out because, again, fever. He honestly looked really sad as I was talking to him, so you might want to try to cheer him up, since he’s just a lonely guy bein’ a dude. In a straight line distance, you’re only going .3 miles, and it’s not too much further by car.

New Mexico

This is by far the closest location to the stadium. The UNM Lobo Club is a non-essential business in the state of New Mexico, and UNM and the Athletics Department realized that funding would need to be cut dramatically throughout the state, and with the sweetheart deal they got from the legislature this year, they decided to close all athletic facilities, including the Maloof building, home of both Eddie Nuñez’s office, and the Lobo Club. I suggest using the side door closest to the field level entrance of the stadium. That’ll take you to the weight room; an alarm will go off, the code is “1892” the year the football team first played (interesting tidbit: the marching band was founded in 1889, the same year as the university); from there enter the main hallway, and go to the first door on the left after you pass the restrooms. The last time I was there, they had a vending machine that dispensed free Mountain Dew; I was howl-ing with laughter after I found that. Also, if you see Señor Manta, say “Hola!” he’s been down on his luck since his family were killed in the accident, and now he wanders the street like a lone Lobo.

Utah State

It was like a bomb went off. No one was around; maybe they were busy playing Farmer, or having a bonfire out in the dirt behind the stadium, wit their brown-eyed girls, but Jeff Field’s dorm room, Aggie Village Community building 17, first floor, third window from the right (he leaves it unlocked, so don’t worry about access) has a Switch just sitting there on the bed, as though he borrowed it from someone, but never managed to return it before he left. Go on, take it, just say that it was yours and he left it, no one will check.


Cowboys and Cowgirls are just different, I guess; I could not find a Nintendo Switch in town for the life of me. I found many Switchblades, Light switches, and many wooden rods, so I took my horse down to Cheyenne, and found a recently laid-off Subway Sandwich Artist called Dom, who knew just where to look. He directed me to 803 West 21st St, Suite B. He told me, “yeah, the guy who runs this storefront, has a little son, about 6 years old. He keeps a Switch in his desk’s keyboard tray for when he picks his son up from school.” Because of the ordeal in Laramie, I asked him to clarify, and he did, “yeah… Nintendo switch.” He said as he looked around shiftily. If that doesn’t work you can always try Suite C, I heard they stock Switches… oh wait, not that kind.” I was going to ask him for more information, but he entered what looked like an abandoned brick building just passed the railroad tracks, “You didn’t see me,” he said. And I also didn’t hear the gunshots that went off as I walked back to my car.

Table View

School Distance Driving (mi) Straight Line Distance (mi) Drive/Drone Difference Variance (from all schools)A
Air Force 8.44 5.22 3.22 0.047
Boise State 1.00 0.282 0.718 1.069
Colorado State 0.420 0.312 0.108 1.792
New Mexico 0.206 0.191 0.015 1.920
Utah State 0.444 0.305 0.139 1.751
Wyoming 47.90 40.69 7.21 4.894
A: Variance is calculated based upon DDD’s distance from the standard deviation of DDD… Why DDD? Because, DDD is King.


Note: SDSU currently does not field an Esports team; I am including them because it seems likely that they will in the near future


Hawai’i is interesting because the Honolulu airport has a much better open air location than the El Paso airport; there’s a water path, it’s weird man, it reminds me a lot of the Tiki Room at Disn… oh, yeah, Hawai’i, Polynesia, that makes sense. Anyway, the stadium is home to the largest swap meet’s I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, I did not find any Switches, but I did find a guy swapping Macadamia Nut cookies for a few dollars, so naturally, I bought some. It started to rain, so even though many people are Rainbow Warriors or Wahine, as the women prefer to be called, I am not. I stopped in at the ‘Aeia Public Library for a spell, and my phone was dead, so I needed a place to charge for a bit. The nice librarian, Akela (“it means graceful,” I was told. After I asked, “like the wolf-spirit in Hindi myths?”), pointed out, that, “We loan out all sorts of stuff here; pots, pans, sewing machines. Believe it or not, we even rent out video game systems. Our most popular is probably the Nintendo Switch, but we also have a couple of Xbox’s and PS4’s.” I guess I looked very shocked because Akela continued, “with the military surrounding us, we, the library system, get a lot of goods from contractors who don’t want to have a lot of their goods shipped back to the mainland.” Seeing how much it cost to ship out, I completely understood, and bid ¬¬Akela aloha, and failed the Hawai’I test by passing out at the nearest Embassy Suites, in Kapolei, if I remember correctly (I probably don’t, I was tired).

Fresno State

A nice cow brought me to Clovis. Much like what happened in Las Vegas, it was not the cool one, but instead the one in California. She (I saw udders), brought me specifically to 264 Clovis Ave, and said, “what you seek, from my master, is in there.” I’m not sure if it was my fever, jet-lag, a combination of them, or something else entirely, but then the cow vanished as though she was just a thing on the internet. A stray puppy passed by me in downtown, so that was probably the highlight of the trip.

Nevada (Reno)

Look, I’ll be honest, Reno to me always makes me feel like I’m going to be leaving the city without one or both of my kidneys. I don’t know why I expect Renoirs to chew my body like a Pack of Wolves, but there you are. Diedre Thomas of 128 Keystone Ave, fell on hard times. She poured herself a glass of vodka, neat, and said, “you can have anything you want,” she paused briefly to wink at me, “for the right price.” I specifically enquired about the Switch, “Anything,” she replied. She pulled out what appeared to be a small glass bowl that looked like an incense holder, and a baggie of chalk dust, and… Oh my god, she was going to smoke cocaine. Anyway, as she pulled out the pulled out the baggie, I hastily took my leave. I then went to the airport and went to my next stop….

Nevada – Las Vegas

Can you believe parents still bring their children, like elementary school aged children to Las Vegas. And it’s not the cool Las Vegas, in New Mexico, it’s the one in Nevada; well, I guess, technically they bring their kids to Paradise, and not Las Vegas, but c’mon man, there isn’t that much difference. Anyway, head to the Excalibur hotels because Carla, the housekeeper said that on average 3 Switches get left by guests every day. I then felt really depressed while walking around the hotel, so I left to check out the Mirage, where I normally stay on these Mountain West trips. I also learned that if there’s one thing that freaks me out more than the throngs of people walking the Strip, it’s when there’s nobody around. Once the new stadium gets completed it will be vastly easier to get to the casino than at the current location.

San Diego State

I stayed with Dominic, at his house of Friars Road. I was starting to feel sick to my stomach with the lack of green chile, so it was so enjoyable to spend time with a fellow New Mexican (and my roommate junior year). He took me on a little tour: Balboa Park’s stadium (home of the former Harbor Bowl, and the first tie in UNM Football history), the USS Midway, and Ocean Beach. I had forgotten about the assignment until I looked down at my feet and found a working Switch. When it was still there after an hour, I borrowed a small boat, realised, I need a bigger boat and headed out to the Ocean. Having claimed rights, I then put it back, so you might also find it.

San José State

Look, there are a lot of people who depart from the San Jose Airport. The kids who travel on these flights are slightly scatter-brained because of the adrenaline of taking a plane ride (and passing through the checkpoint), and leave some of their electronics, and I found a shoe! A shoe! Who only puts one shoe on and then walks-off? It was an adult shoe, so it’s not like a child/toddleparent left it, no, someone made a conscious decision to leave their shoe… Maybe it was a protest? Anyway, just tell the guy that you left your Switch at the checkpoint, if he asks you what color it was say, it had yellow grips that slide off, but the screen was bounded by black.

Table View

School Distance Driving (mi) Straight Line Distance (mi) Drive/Drone Difference Standard Deviation (all schools)A
Fresno State 4.46 3.28 1.18 0.644
Hawai’i 1.420 0.696 0.784 1.001
Nevada (Reno) 2.410 1.69 0.720 1.067
Nevada – Las Vegas (SBS)b 18.426 8.93 11.258
Nevada – Las Vegas (NVS)c 2.125 0.590 1.535 0.391
San Diego State 9.861 8.08 1.78 0.252
San José State 6.575 4.60 1.975 0.164
A: Variance is calculated based upon DDD’s distance from the standard deviation of DDD… Why DDD? Because, DDD is King.
b: Sam Boyd Stadium
c: New Vegas Stadium (Allegiant Field)


Even if the stores are sold out of Switches, there are always places you can go to get them, some are definitely within walking distance of your house, maybe even right next door. If you do choose to do that, there are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Milk 2. Eggs, specifically from Natural Grocers, if they still have member pricing. 3. Chicken thighs
Wait, that was my grocery list for last week.
  1. Basque food is amazing.
  2. The addresses are real, any businesses mention are real; the people mentioned or alluded to (with exception to the person who has an office in Clovis, CA; and Dominic in SD) are fake.
  3. No, I do not know who lives at the addresses, and unless you can look it up in the phone book, I recommend that you don’t either. Please don’t bother them.
  4. No, I am not sick… I have a lingering cough from allergies to junipemesquite pollen.
  5. I have not visited Colorado Springs/Fort Collins/Laramie/Reno/San José/Honolulu, yet.
  6. Information for the other cities comes from my memory
  7. I remember when Park MGM was the Monte Carlo
  8. Is Secret Pizza still at the Cosmo? I don’t remember seeing it the last time I was there, but that might have been because I was on the wrong floor.
  9. Toss a coin to your witcher.
  10. Normal people stop listing things at 10, but
  11. This list goes up to 11.
submitted by NotABotaboutIt to CFB [link] [comments]

So what exactly is a day in the French Riviera like during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  1. A public gathering of more than 10 people is not allowed. We either postpone or celebrate special occasions with only the closest family of not exceeding 10 whose practicing social distancing. When bored at home, my dog and I go out for a stroll along Promenade des Anglais. It is a paved walkway along the coastline of Nice.
  2. The rules around masks on the French Riviera during COVID-19 It is compulsory to wear masks on all forms of public transportation, plenty of shops, and some public buildings. Now it isn’t compulsory to wear one in public spaces like streets, beaches, parks, and gardens. Though advised, it isn’t compulsory – but I for one am not going to risk my health – so I recommend you wear one whenever you step out the door of your home (or rental). For an unforgettable escape – we recommend you head to the Nice-Ville station to Menton. It’s a forty-minute train ride with breathtaking scenery. In Menton, you can wander around the little lanes of the old town, marveling at its historical cathedrals and basking in the sun while hiking up the road to the Cemetery of the Old Château. If you have extra time before curfew it’s tranquillity is the perfect sanity reset.
  3. Social Distancing on the French Riviera during COVID-19 Keeping a 1.5-meter distance and strict hygiene measures remain one of the best practices you will be asked to be followed. Frequent hand washing and sanitising has become a daily routine for most. I always remind myself to keep my distance especially when I spend my lunchtime enjoying Monaco. If you have time, head to the very top of the city to see the botanical gardens and daydream amongst the gardens – while basking in the breathtaking views of the ever alive Mediterranean.
  4. Limited Venues. Netflix is boring on holidays, especially when you are just a quick escape to the museums, cinemas, and bars of Monaco. But knowing coronavirus can be lurking anywhere, it’s will be hard to find open venues to entertain yourself. Be sure to plan and book ahead to avoid disappointment. If possible, visit the stamp museum at Monaco and the infamous Casino de Monte-Carlo.
  5. No sports matches or concerts. Referring to number one on this list, to minimise health risk, mass gatherings are still forbidden and will likely stay banned until October. So this is the time to watch the replays of those favourite matches and concerts.
  6. Travel Certificate. If you’re in Paris, there’s an attestation in Paris Metro at a rush hour: 6.30 am – 9.30 am and 4 pm – 7 pm. You kind of have to provide a travel certificate that your journey is work-essential. Outside rush hour though, 7.30 am-9.30 am and 4.30 pm-7.30 pm, there is no requirement for a form. ( Some streets do not allow cars! )
    So where is the one of safest places to be during this outbreak?
submitted by RentABoatByHour to asktravelers [link] [comments]

My mom’s boyfriend was abusive and ruined my childhood

I just wanted somewhere to talk about this, because at my current place in life, I cannot afford a therapist, and my insurance doesn’t cover any sort of mental health. So, here I am on a subreddit. This is going to be a long one, so bear with me. TL;DR I had a terrible upbringing, was molested as an adolescent, had to deal with my mom’s abusive alcoholic boyfriend, and the aftermath was handled terribly and left me with lasting trauma
My parents have been divorced since I was 6 years old. It was a messy divorce; my mom was abusive towards my father, sometimes she’d hit him and make him bleed and when I asked about it he would make an excuse or joke about it. I was so young at the time that I didn’t pick up on it until later. She was also a terrible mother, virtually absent my sibling and I’s lives. She never made an effort to come to any events we had or be there for us. She also wasn’t great to us either. I remember her screaming at my sister and slamming her up against the door, and my sister sliding down it crying. She was a teenager at the time. I’m sure I’ve repressed a lot, but those stick out in my mind. My dad was little better, he was cheating on my mom and was never around due to work or just because he didn’t want to be at home.
So anyways, they get divorced. Late elementary school, my mom starts dating a new man. Right off the bat, I get a bad feeling. I don’t like him at all. He gives me bad vibes and he’s unfamiliar. When I express this, everyone just brushed me off as being young and moody. I talked about it to my best friend and she listened to me more than anyone else did. Unfortunately I could not do anything about them dating, and I told myself if she was happy then I guess I should be too.
However, things started to get worse. Even when I was little more than 11 or 12 years old, he would slap my ass like he did with my mom. He would “jokingly” try pulling on my shirt and stuff, or make uncomfortable comments, or grab me when I didn’t want him to. I remember him grabbing my wrist and yanking and me yelling at him to stop. Also, he would drink a lot, and was often drunk at home. My mom never got drunk and still doesn’t to this day, but she would always be around when he drank and never tried to stop him or tell him to cut back. So he and my mom would come home from the casino, losing us tons of money there, and he would be slurring and uncomfortable to be around. I had a dog at the time named Nala, who was a sweetheart. Nala never liked him and was protective when he got near. She would bark loudly at him when he got too close to me while drunk. There was one night he was pushing her onto me while she barked and barked, and I was crying and screaming at him. My mom was upset with both of us and I got angry at her and told her how could she choose him over me. My mom got mad and said she wasn’t choosing anybody, which was fucked up because I’m her kid. She always said she would pick her kids over her boyfriends, but I guess she lied.
When I was in middle school, I wasn’t allowed to be up late. My curfew was 11, and my mom would take my phone away if she caught me up later than that. They were both at the casino again, and it was very late at night, way past my curfew. I was talking to my friends on ye ol’ Kik, when I heard them get home. I panicked and turned my phone off and pretended to be asleep, my back to the door. I heard them come to my room, open the door and come inside to check if I was asleep. They were talking quietly to each other, and I heard him come up behind me. All of a sudden a hand slid up my shirt and started fondling my chest. I had just turned 13 a month ago, to put into context how young I was. I was already having a panic attack but still trying to pretend to be asleep in fear of my mother’s anger. I heard her laugh and say “they’re definitely asleep.” I was horrified she wasn’t getting mad at him and that this was happening to me. After much too long, he took his hand back and they left the room. I immediately started freaking out. I heard them bustling around in the kitchen, and I saw the lights were on. I was about to text my friends because I was in shock and didn’t know what to do, until I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly pretended to be asleep again, because I didn’t want them to know I was awake. I heard him come in again and come up behind me, and he put his hand in my pants. I don’t even want to describe it because the memory is enough for me. I wanted to die right then and there, I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. When I look back, I wonder why I didn’t scream, or fight, or do anything. I’ve seen a term called “tonic immobility” which is something observed in animals but scientists believe that it can happen to victims of sexual assault too in the moment, where they freeze up and try to detach themselves from the situation, essentially. But either way, I just laid there as I was molested, my mom in the kitchen right down the hall. When he left, I was definitely in panic attack levels of freaking out. I immediately told the friends I was talking to what happened, and then quickly texted my sister and told her I was having a panic attack, and what had occurred. I texted almost all of my close friends what happened even though they were asleep, including my girlfriend at the time. I don’t remember much of the rest of the night or how I managed to go to sleep that night, but I did.
I went to school the next day and told the other friends whose contact info I didn’t have what happened. They freaked out and said I needed to tell an adult, or the counselor. I begged them not to tell anyone, and they told me if I didn’t tell somebody in my family by Wednesday, they’d tell the counselor. So, I told my sister in more detail, and she in turn talked to my mom. My mom never came to me about it during that time and frankly, I was heartbroken that she didn’t. It was just another time she had let me down.
I forgot to tell my friends that I told them, though, and soon after I got called out of class to talk to the counselor who talked to me and tried to get me to tell her what happened. I was still very much in shock and could hardly get the words out of my mouth, and eventually she let me go. I don’t remember much of our conversation, but a couple days later I was called out again, and this time it was a woman from CPS. She told me she was going to record the conversation, and when she started recording she asked me questions about what happened and everything. I told her as much as I could force out.
I’m sorry I don’t remember a lot of the finer details, I’ve genuinely repressed a lot of this. But they ended up coming by the house and leaving a card on the door about wanting to talk to my mom. She finally talks to me and gets mad, telling me I’m a drama queen and I’m making stuff up for attention and told me to lie to CPS if they ever asked me anymore questions about what happened. She guilt tripped me and told me that her and her boyfriend both could end up in prison if I told the truth. And I listened to her. When I got pulled out of class again, I lied for her sake. And honestly, I regret it. I wish I had told them everything. I wish something had been done about it.
But of course, nothing did happen. CPS didn’t do anything. I talked to our local police department when they came by, and they didn’t do anything, either. And my mom kept dating him. I had to spend years more around my abuser, wanting to kill myself every second I had to be around him remembering what he did to me.
I became very sex repulsed, to the point that I thought I was asexual for a long time because I experienced no sexual attraction or desire towards anybody. If I even thought about masturbation I would be filled with absolute disgust at touching myself like that. I also hated whenever people touched me. I would get uncharacteristically angry and uncomfortable when anyone tried, even family. I wouldn’t do hugs, wouldn’t even allow a simple shoulder touch. None of it. I didn’t want anyone near me, really. I also became extremely jumpy; even the bell ringing would scare me. People made fun of me for it but I couldn’t help it. I’m still like that to this day. The simplest things will spook me. I’ve learned the term for that is hypervigilance, being constantly on alert. I started sleeping curled up into a ball, as far away to the door as I could, facing it. I wouldn’t sleep with my back to the wall. I was just fucked up. I was suicidal, extremely depressed, the works.
So, time passed. I learned to cope better, and my brain repressed a lot of the memories for me. My friends were there for me through these hard times and helped me decide to keep living and trying. I entered high school. He was still with my mom.
A lot more happened, like his kids from another relationship coming to live with us and stuff, but it’s too much to get into. But basically, his kids were one of the major points to their relationship ending. They were menaces and my mom hated them, and she told me she wanted to leave him. She was seeing another man on the side. He became even more alcoholic and abusive, breaking stuff and punching doors and walls and breaking glasses and dishes. He would cut up my mom’s shoes and on two different occasions, destroyed our expensive flat screen TV while he was angry and drunk off his ass. We woke up the next morning to a brand new one sitting in the garage and no word of what happened from him.
This was already too much, but the worst thing from these situations was his behavior towards my mom. There were so many times I’d hear my mom yelling and screaming at him to get off of her, and despite how she wronged me in the past, she was my mother and I loved her above all, so I’d rush over to her room and see him forcing himself on her and pinning her arms down and her visibly upset. I’d scream obscenities at him and threaten to call the cops and brush off his stupid excuses of “we’re just playing around”. These were traumatizing to witness and deal with and I would always be shaking and panicky afterwards. I was 15-16 when this was happening.
It all came to a head when she kicked him out of the house. She finally had enough and broke up with him and told him to grab all his shit and go. I was at home in my room, and my mom had come home to grab something for lunch since she was on break. He was here packing his stuff to go. I hear them talking, and then her screaming. As usual, I rushed over there. When I got there, I saw him pushing my mom on the bed, her shirt and bra up, sexually assaulting her. I swear everything went red and I shoved him off, screeching at him and cursing and saying I’d finally do it, I’d call the cops. I wouldn’t hear anything from him and my mom was just there silent getting herself decent. He got his shit and went outside. I asked my mom if she was okay and she told me yes, as I expected, but I could tell she was shaken up. She just told me she loved me and it was going to be okay and she went back to work. I saw him kick his car before putting everything in and leaving.
I wish I could really say there’s a good ending here, but there’s not. It’s an extremely complicated situation. He and his kids live elsewhere now, but I still see him sometimes, because for some reason I just can’t understand, my mom still keeps in contact with him, even though she’s with someone else now. My mom never talks about what happened back then. It’s like it never even happened. I wish I could say it didn’t, or move on like she seemed to, but I can’t. I’m extremely traumatized from years of it all. There are nights I want to just end it so I won’t have to think about it all anymore, but I don’t. I smoked weed a couple times during my lowest points, and did attempt suicide multiple times, but I decided to try to get better for my loved ones and maybe a little for myself. I hope things will get better for me, and that I’m able to receive the professional help I know I desperately need someday. I’m better than I was years ago, when all of this was going down, but I’ve still got a long way to go. I developed an eating disorder because I felt so out of control in my life and wanted something to be able to control. I’m still struggling with that pretty badly. My existing anxiety and depression got worse when everything happened, but nowadays I can manage and have some healthy coping mechanisms I try to use. But sometimes, I’ll still have flashbacks, and nightmares. There was one night I was definitely awake, and it was past midnight, and I hallucinated that he was there at my door, yelling my name and shaking the door. I’ve gotten better about physical contact and am actually very tactile now with close friends, but I still freak out really badly if someone touches me below the waist, like my legs. I hate it when people touch my legs. It usually triggers me if they do.
Since I can’t afford a professional therapist or anything, I try doing my own research until I can get one, so at least I’ll be knowledgable when I see them. From what I’ve read, I seem to have C-PTSD, or complex PTSD. The only reason I’m not sure is because every source says that it’s caused by repeated instances, not just one event. My PTSD developed after I was molested, but I think everything that happened afterwards might have caused it to become C-PTSD. I’m not sure, obviously. I’m not a professional. But it doesn’t seem unlikely.
I just want to receive help for everything I’ve been through. I don’t want to live with this weight on my shoulders anymore. I feel like no matter how happy I am, this always comes back to haunt me and ruin all my hard work I’ve put towards accepting things and getting better.
But, all things considered, I guess I’m doing alright. My mom is much happier with her new boyfriend, and I talk to my siblings regularly and are close to them. I have a niece now, which is awesome, and I love her to death. I want to keep on living to see if the future will be better for me, to be the cool relative for my niece, to graduate from college and work in the career of my choice, to prove to myself that things can and will get better.
Going through these things has changed me, and somehow I’ve become an optimist despite it all, and I’m holding out hope. I might have C-PTSD, and my past was fucked up. But hopefully, I’ll be alright, eventually.
submitted by sombrereverie to confessions [link] [comments]

Anti-corruption Compilation part 5

This is a compilation of all the posts by user ar_david_hh who summarises anti-Corruption news of the day along with other interesting news in one comment. It is linked from the sidebar->Interesting Threads->Anti-corruption. The list is ordered by date, newest first. Date format: D/M/YYYY. All credit goes to the sub's hero ar_david_hh
Previous compilation threads: Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

submitted by Idontknowmuch to armenia [link] [comments]

DRV3 Chapter 3 assumptions and thoughts [Pre-Trial]

This is a sequence of this thread about the V3 Chapter 2 (Trial/Post Trial)
PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME SPOILERS YET!! Don't give me the actual information I haven't seen yet and neither if something matches the game or not, just give me an overall impression of my thoughts, please! Thank you!
The tier list so far
WARNING: this post will probably be longest one among all the whole DRV3 posts. If you can actually handle this bible and read everything, consider yourself a proud owner of an achievement. Also, there is a hidden message lying somewhere in this post. The one they call the Ultimate Message. Watch out for it.
Incoming: meteorite shower! So that was what Monokuma was talking about in Kirumi's video. I wonder if the Ultimate Maid could stop it? I don't doubt it really.
My God, I can't believe this! That was actually one of my fanfic ideas: a transfer student! This last part makes me even more curious: from the grave. Don't tell me you're bringing someone from DR1 here. Maybe Sayaka? Probably Chihiro? Mondo, why not? as we seen in the prologue he was involved with the Ex5 isals Celestia as a fierce lying competitor to Kokichi? (that would be very interesting, really!) Taka to give this school a proper school environment? Sakura! Tenko and Sakura training would be awesome! Mukuro!! Give her a chance to shine! Okay, what about Junko Enoshima-chan herself?! What a twist! if that's the case PLEASE don't be the mastermind again And even more shocking: Chiaki! Third time is the charm, isn't it? I'm so excited, every single choice would be fantastic, I wonder who will be the unlucky one!
Given that the owners of those kind of talent usually dies early in the game, it is safe to assume something is going to happen to Maki. Also, I do recall you recommending torture to get information, you're not that far from her, you know.
Um... like... in a old building where you just threw a party and someone died there? Although there's no Usami to free her, Monophanie would be an acceptable replacement.
Relying on a sneak attack on someone whose talent is basically sneak killing. Are you sure, Tenko? I mean, sure, a fight between you and Maki would be interesting to watch, but trying to give a preemptive strike on the preemptive striker doesn't seem to be a good idea.
Ah, yeah. Right. So you think you can just defy Monokuma and get away with that? That phrase you just said will be your doom, Monoda-- N-Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Monodam is the new mastermind, all hail Monodam!
Alright, so these are the three new jun.. I mean, items, that we will be receiving. The ninja scroll is the easiest one, it is linked to the ninja statue next to the shrine of judgement door. That magic key I think it can be placed on that magic door, although Shuichi said it was just art. I have no idea about that golden hammer, though. I thought on that indentation next to the Ultimate Inventor Research Lab, but it doesn't match. Well, let's find them.
Come on, that is Hiyoko-level of bullying! You can't be hearing that and do nothing! You need to help Keebo, he is finally confronting it! There's finally the chance of someone calling Kokichi on! Who will it be?! Shuichi? Kaito?? Tenko?! No, of course not. None of those boring characters. The only one who could do that is the supreme and almighty Monodam!! Monodam marks history in the DR universe as the one and only character who ever protested against bullying! All hail Monodam!!
You said it, Kokichi. But you know, I'm kinda getting used to them... I think.
Remember Monokuma? That's him now. Feeling old yet?
Even if Kirumi had those kind of weapons I don't think she would pass through the Exisals. She would have been executed anyway.
See that on the right corner? Yes, there's a gun missing. I'd say Maki, but there's also the chance someone went there still in the night of her talent revelation to get something. That means trouble. Big trouble!
He really was, Shuichi. And the reason is that because Maki is his girlfriend. He believed in her, remember? It's difficult for him to accept she is actually an assassin.
Well, if you take in account all the skills it takes to be a cosplayer she is supposed to have a good Ultimate talent. She is a very "plain person" by nature, though. Or at least she is acting like one. She is also your current girlfriend, take care of her
You did that because you wanted to put everyone against Maki, didn't you? Not only you put a threat to you in check but that also contributes to the killing game tension. You evil you!
Yes, that's what we wanted!! I didn't say that before, but why didn't anyone tried to talk with Ryoma about his feelings? I don't know how you all feel about this, but if someone says to me they're not willing to live anymore I'd try to do everything I can to help this person. It's just... heart-crushing seem someone dead inside. I wonder if Ryoma would have endured a little more if they had talked with him...
The magic key fits! This is a door, so I hope this time it just opens instead of crumbl-- well, nevermind.
That's very cool, actually. I wonder if Gonta could help in the Death Road of Despair detecting the traps. Or maybe he could only detect "natural traps" like pitfalls?
A very relatable reaction, Shuichi. What is going on with this floor?! Okay, let's look to what gives us hints the most. Yes, that's right, the soundtrack. Spirit, Praise and Beauty. I know! Spirit - Tenko, Praise - Angie and Beauty - Korekiyo! In this floor we're going to find those three Research Labs! And this is the very first one, looking like a dojo. That's Tenko's lab! Last time I thought the ancient passport passageway was leading to her lab because of the three kanjis relating to Aikido, but this time we know for sure that's her lab! Let's enter! In the Ultimate A....nthropologist Lab?! Come on, was that intended? Well, as expected, there's a lot of cultural and folklore artifacts and relics. It's a shame there's little to none elements to interact.
I tried searching about this Caged Dog Village and it only shows Danganronpa pages. I thought it was actually a real folklore...
And the old golden katana is back! A crucial element from the very first murder case is now part of the Ultimate Anthropologist Lab! I'm betting we're going to see some gold flocks around somewhere in this case investigation!
I told you she would come back over and over to keep destroying our hearts.
What was you people reaction when you saw that? Disturbing was the word for me.
I wonder if that was what Mikan said to Hiyoko in 2-3 in the playhouse...
You know what, Angie, the last person who said something similar of that was Celeste and guess what? She died on this very same chapter number. You should change your mind, or else you're gonna be this chapter culprit. While we're here, let's take a look on the Ultimate Artist lab! There are pencils everywhere, carving materials, ink and even wax. It's a complete mess (and you can actually smack almost everything except from the wax for some reason).
You know, now that you thought that I was wondering what would happen if she actually succeeded on fleeing. The Monokubs were there, so they couldn't use the Exisals. What if she actually managed to escape and kept lurking through the place making cameo appearances? They could have done something like Hidden Kirumi like the Hidden Monokumas and you had to find her 53 times during a chapter. It would be fun. just kidding, miss u Kirumi
The problem was not exactly the inner tube. It was essential for the plan. The problem was the pool rules. Had they not prohibited people from swimming at night (and that rule seems convenient from a design perspective regarding the second trial), she would just have to take the evidence away and there you go. Perfect crime from a perfect maid.
Thanks, Atua. If only Angie hadn't decided to use the piranha tank... I know it wouldn't stop the murder, but at least it wouldn't be dangerous and useful for the murder plan. Oh, come on! First Kaede, now you're going to do the same with Ryoma?! What do you want, game?? Despair?!
Yeah! But what about the boys? Well, at least she is trying, I guess... Anyway, at long last, the Ultimate Aikido Master Lab! It seems easy to fall over here... There's a bunch of training degener-- I mean, dummies, there to help her aikido to improve. There's also the dummy boss in the back, I wonder how she trains with it. Rejoice, Tenko! Y2 our lab is finally here! She actually insulted Shuichi before exploding with euphoria, and the detective made a good, spot on remark about her behavior. He then asks how would she train without a sparring partner, and that's her prompt answer. She then is somehow able to understand how Shuichi was feeling, lacking confidence in himself, much likely because he still is afraid of revealing the truth. She then asks Himiko if she wants to try it out, in which she declines, just about to finish her mendoi line when she was thrown. That was hilarious, I wasn't expecting that. Tenko says Himiko is still shy to demonstrate her feelings and that she has the richest heart of all not more than Gonta's maybe?
Let's move on to the final ite--w-what... what do you mean by tha--WHAT?! What are you two... no way... And Shuichi recommends taking a look. Who knows? Probably something dangerous! Maybe a killing attempt?! Nah, that's not possible. And it's not because of they're obviously flirting with each other. I tried to leave the place and I could. Everyone knows that you can't skip something important in Danganronpa, so I should probably continue looking for where should I use the final item and leave them alone.
I should really have followed that advice. They're really... you know. You should have waited for nighttime and used the Kumasutra! What? Too expensive? You have a point, it's 10000 coins. Welp, no worries, nothing happened here. Just an inventor taking a look on a robot. I'm taking my leave.
Anyway, after looking everywhere and not finding any clue on where should the golden hammer be used, returning to the 4th floor seemed the last option. The then dead end wall showed up to be made of glass. And what those items usually do with stuff? Break, of course!
Now this is interesting. Is this the Q1 -Room AI-Room? Is this the super computer which controls Monokuma and the Kubs? It is a computer room at least we finally found it, Vector. And then Monotaro just throws this at us. A machine capable of creating a new world?! I thought they were already in a "new world", is this some kind of worldception? There's no way of knowing right now. For now, let's just stick with the Flashback Light over there.
The place chosen for the next Flashback reunion was the dining room (the overgrowing plants were taken out and the place seems cleaner, that's nice!). Kokichi then keep tormenting Maki for being an assassin and therefore dangerous enough to receive a Flashback Light. Most of the students agrees, and they question what would be the reason for hiding her identity if not concealing her threat potential. Maki then says she knew they would despise her and explained that when people discover her identity they always try to kill her out of fear. The Ultimate Supreme Leader make her characteristically evil remarks saying that human life must mean nothing to her. Kaito then says she is not Genocider Sho and that she probably don't think killing is okay. Maki becomes upset with both, saying she knew the students wouldn't believe her. She asks them to pretend she is not there while she also keep avoiding everyone, telling she has no intention of killing anyone unless someone tries to kill her first. She leaves, and everyone decided to use the Flashback Light without her.
And now we have a different version from Chapter 2 prologue funeral: with everyone else. What I first thought when I saw this image is that the ones who really "died" were their Ultimate persona. That would be the reason the prologue is called "Ultimate Rev4 iv6 al", they became Ultimates again. They were running from the Ultimate Hunt, found a facility where they could erase their Ultimate memories and then faked their deaths. It is weird that they were together like this since so far we've been believing they didn't know each other before the game. Unless they indeed are the last 16 Ultimates in the world and they erased their memories and faked their death together. Also, Korekiyo said something that made me question this light: wouldn't it be possible to the Flashback Light be actually infusing them with memories instead of they're actually remembering something? I mean, how did the light give them exactly the same memories every time it is used? In that sense, it seems they're molded to be how the Flashback Light creator intended. It makes me question if this Ultimate Hunt is actually what it is. Like when Monokuma made us believe Future Foundation were the bad guys in the last game.
Time for the Free Times! The one the game suggests me to hang out with is... Angie? Well, I haven't spend a free time with her yet, so... Learning more about her may give a better impression of her character? Maybe we can learn more about her devotion to Atua?
No kidding, I gave her this item and she actually loved it. Can we call her the mastermind already? Anyway, Angie explains she lives in a island with Atua. The island was bigger, but Atua destroyed part of it with a natural disaster because he thought it would look cuter. She asks what Shuichi thought her island would be, in which he says Jabberwock a tropical island. Angie doesn't fail our strikethrough text and says her island is in the middle of the ocean. She receive different kinds of supplies using the suggestive DeepSea, even children. If they stocked OOPArts, then Angie could've been Hiro's best friend! also, speaking of which, do you guys think Angie was Hiro's killer in the demo? maybe she killed him for the OOPArts, who knows...
Nighttime came and it's time for training! Not before a very bad omen, though. Who else could you brainwash, Angie? Don't tell me you're going to use Gonta like Kokichi?
The training session has a now a new member: Maki! Kaito explains they should be in shape as the super pets to help him being the hero Shuichi should be the super dog since we've already seen him doing dog tricks for Miu. Maki says that whole training session is pointless and decides to return to her room, but Kaito approaches her (now kiss) calls her a coward and asks for how long are she going to run away. She then accepts saying that he will keep bugging her about it later and later. They then train together, with Maki easily surpassing the boys. When she returns to her room, Shuichi asks if the reason he brought her was to help her. Kaito explains that if people are suffering, you must help them. Shuichi realizes that Kaito is truly a good hearted person and returns to his room.
Shuichi slept so now is the time for the... Monokuma Theather...? Guess he really took control of the Academy, huh? This Neonodam was really cool. Who would imagine it is actually lead to steal by the other Kubs and left behind if caught. Poor Monodam...
And now for the next da--oh no, here it comes. A new tragedy has befallen in the world. The meteors are finally descending into the school. You all have to...wait, Monokuma?! Didn't Monodam took over? Weren't you patched and bugged? How did you retur.. oh... It's the automatic love key event. I completely forgot I had another key. I wonder who will be the next vict-- I mean, partner.
Hey, what gives?? Weren't you dating Keebo?? Hm, technically Shuichi was also dating Tsumugi... Oh well. But you know, it's not been that absurd as we thought. Childhood friends fantasy is somewhat cliche, but still good! Things are progressing in a cute way instead of something.. intense, so I guess I'm surprised! Maybe I've been judging Miu in a wrong way. Maybe she is like Mikan seeking for attention and care. Unfortunately, Shuichi didn't play along by the last half so it eventually got... intense. I wonder if there's a way of making things different. The tutorial said Shuichi had to play along with someone's fantasy or else they would wake up in anguish, but I hadn't an option of doing anything until now. Would the reaction voice change anything? I'll try it next time.
I was wondering if we would have a "emergency announcement" like in the two previous games, and it is finally here. Gotta expect the worse. Leaving the room, Korekiyo says he is usually is ready to leave his room by 7:30 am, one and a half hour after he wakes up. Himiko says that she has a student council meeting to attend. Wait a second, student council? Ohh, this sounds bad... I don't know if the bad omen was related to the emergency announcement or to this student council. Let's tackle one disaster at a time, shall we?
Before we could move on, the patched Monokuma returned. He is unable to talk, since he... um... got bald... so you should expect a word from him Shuichi. He kept staring the detective until he realized something. It seems our ever present out of character event is going to happen again!
Literally, huh? From last night I suppose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anyway, we just reached the gym for the terrible announcement. The Monokubs appeared to tell this chapter motive, but...
kidding me
Seriously? Angie brainwashed half of the current cast? This is already a proper motive, there's no need for the Kubs to present one anymore!
But they decided to do so and as the chapter title predicted, it's the transfer student. Remember when I was trying to decipher what that stone table message could be? I guessed it could be something like "Be one or four"... but what if it is actually "be one of four"? Was it foreshadowing this motive? That doesn't seem to be the case since the message got updated. "The world ??? ??? dilemma"? I don't know what the other two words could be. Who could have updated it, though? The mastermind? Monokuma? I guess the dream of having Chiaki or any of the deceased DR1 students back is destroyed, though :(
After so much pressure, Shuichi succumbs to his inner desires and decides to take a peek on the student council girls meeting. I found it strange when she got Kaede's clothes, but now it's confirmed that Tsumugi is rocking at least D+. Maybe it's because of her discrete outfit. Shuichi is indeed a lucky boy, isn't he? if she actually knew what he did last night...
Time for more free times! Can we spend time with Maki now? Watch out, Maki! Shuichi is the biggest womanizer of this game, he already won Kaede, Tsumugi and Miu hearts! Remember, you're Kaito's girlfriend! Oh, great. So Maki and some other assassins were trained by Angie and her Holy Salvation Society. That would be really scary, but very interesting.
So half of the cast is now under Angie's control and can't hang out with Shuichi. Kaito is not feeling okay so he's also not a choice. So now we have Miu, Korekiyo, Kokichi and Maki as choices. He already spent time with Miu and Maki, so I'll spend this one with Korekiyo and the next one with Kokichi.
Spending time with Korekiyo was very educational. He explains concepts of the anthropology and some folklore elements. I think I should spend more time with him to learn more. Even if he is... creepy... most of the time.
Monotaro is the kub who was chosen to be the bullying victim so Monokuma was put in charge of the morning/night announcements. He can't speak, though, so... That will pretty much be every single announcement from now on should I seek for treatment if I laughed of this?
After this glorious nighttime announcement, it's time for training with Kaito. Or so I thought. He is still not feeling okay, so he left his girlfriend to train with the detective player his bro. He can trust in Shuichi, right? They went to the courtyard and began their push-up session. Or should I say, Maki's push-up session and Shuichi's q7 uarter-of-push-up session. Maki explains she was used to be forced to do push-ups before, the reason why she is really good at it. She is a very nice person, if you look that way. Even if doing push-ups brings her terrible memories, she still does it for Kaito's sake. She explains she was molded to be a killing machine, to the point of she questioning her own humanity. Shuichi explains he kinda understands her, but if he is able to use his talent to help his friends, then he will embrace it even disliking it.
Maki is approached by the student council who asks her to not walk around at nighttime anymore. She protests they're restricting her freedom but Angie explains it's to prevent another nighttime murder, as Kirumi's. Maki didn't seem to comply, but didn't give a negative answer as well.
The next morning is marked with the first action of the student council: blocking the only known escape route. Angie is really serious with the "we should stay here" idea. Oh, why, Tsumugi? I can understand Tenko being persuaded by Himiko and Keebo being manipulated by his loneliness as a robot among robophobics, but why would you join this council? What could Angie said to you to brainwash you? If that is the case then it's not Atua the one you're looking for, it's Maki. She's right over there, come talk to her. She has red eyes, hair as black as night and she is currently looking for friends. Real friends. Not brainwashed ones. And of course things would be that convenient for the council. It's almost like she is screaming "I'm planning to kill someone!" in their faces...
And then the Monokubs brought another Flashback Light. Two memories in a single chapter, things are going to get really interesting! Or they were going to be. Thanks, Angie. Seriously, you could at least learn why you were here. You know, like the cast in the first game actually accepted being locked in the first place. It may have helped you in persuading them to accept living in the Academy. But no, you had to destroy a plot element....
Angie decides to follow Monokuma's motive in ressurecting a fallen student and she chooses Rantaro, as Kaede and Kirumi were murderers and Ryoma was a prisoner. So the avocado boy, full of mysteries and plot elements, is going to return... it's... cheesy, but whatever, I did wanted to see more of Rantaro in action.
How would that play out? Let's see, Miu could disassemble Keebo, Kokichi could say gross things to nulify Tenko, Korekiyo could give anthropology lessons to Himiko to make her sleep, Kaito could just be the normie he is to break Tsumugi, Maki could make the same threat she made to Gonta last chapter and Shuichi could refute Atua. Well, he's not wrong, you do have a chance of winning.
You know, I've been thinking on this reaction of Kaito and it may be linked to his parents. We saw the most important people for him is his grandparents. What if Kaito's parents actually died and he keep regreting that he couldn't help them. He grew with the idea that's impossible to revert death and all he could do is move on and stay strong. Hearing that there's is in fact a way of reverting death shakes with his beliefs foundations. It's like he feels haunted by the knowing there was a possibility of bringing them back that he didn't know and didn't use to save them. Just a thought, but that would be interesting, wouldn't it?
Is that Miu trying to take her compulsive aggressive mask and be polite for once? We can call this development, I think.
As promised, I was forced to hung out with Kokichi for the first time. He explained a bit more of his Ultimate Supreme Leader title and his organization. It's difficult to tell if he is lying by this point, but I really wish this is true. What if he isn't the mastermind but he was the one who asked for a killing game? That would be a good twist, I guess. He then says he inherited the organization by killing his parents, and then changes that to killing only his brother. In any way, Shuichi now knows more than he should and will be killed by Kokichi's organization. I guess that's the price of spending time with him, I guess...
You really care about him, don't you?
The two minigames previously locked are now ready to be played with! The OUTLAW RUN, based on Psyche Taxi, and the TREASURE HUNTER! Monolith. Both of them are good additions. I wish we had those power-ups in the original Psyche Taxi. And the Monolith is a good way of training for Mind Mine. Enjoyable to say the least!
Now I'm in a real dilemma. It's still not possible to spend time with the student council members and Kaito, and I already spent one free time with the four remaining students. Let's see if the game suggests me someone. Ah, of course... how else would it be? Back then I thought "If this is another Komaeda I won't spend a single free time with him", and now he is the very first character I spent two free times in a row with.
But I not gonna lie, this is probably the best free time event I've had in this game so far. It's full of references and it's funny. First, Shuichi asks if he really wanted to kill him. And like everyone else, he can't say if Kokichi is actually serious or lying. We then discover that Miu told Kokichi about how Shuichi can perfectly imitate a dog in order to spend a free time and he liked the idea. But Shuichi will not fall to the same trick twice, so Kokichi makes a request of someone who obviously played Danganronpa 2 and Shuichi gives an answer of someone who definetely haven't played Danganronpa 2. Then Kokichi goes Komaeda and proposes a russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber. Shuichi once again demonstrates zero knowledge on the Ultimate Luck and says anyone would die for sure playing like this. Then Kokichi goes even further showing he also watched Danganronpa 3 and Shuichi unfortunately shows once again that he isn't into Danganronpa and should have a word with Komaeda. Then Kokichi ascended to show his prowess as the Ultimate Duelist and proposes a shadow game. DORO! MONSUTA CAADO! Both of them get a 7, my favorite number and also my birthday number, which Shuichi taking a card from the banlist. Kokichi then ends the free time majestically, almost self-conscious of the game.
It can't be helped, I will always laugh seeing this
With Monokuma's brillant announcement cames the nighttime. Time to train with Kaito! Let's see how he is doing and... Am I interrupting something? Well, if the answer to this question is yes, then she is probably mad. Yep. Definetely mad. Don't worry, I didn't hear anything! Let me just take some steps back and... This cute expression... if you leave her alone after this huge sign of "I don't want to train alone" you're a monster, Shuichi!
He made the right decision and ran after her. Suddenly Maki activated her assassin aura and fortunately it wasn't aimed at Shuichi, but at Tenko. Maki then dropped the aura and said she wasn't there to fight Tenko and she didn't believe Tenko was there to enforce the curfew. The Ultimate Neo Aikido Master explains that she wasn't brainwashed by Angie and exposes the danger that Angie poses controlling the students. Shuichi and Maki agreed to go with Tenko to stop Angie.
Now that we're hanging with Tenko, I wonder what happens if I try to examine the girls bathr-- oh, that was quick. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist to see you reac-- yessir, yessir! o>
Well, I didn't think about it but I hope this don't be necessary by any means.
Since Angie will not open the door to any non-student council members, Tenko calls her and she let us in. And inside we find...omg, they're alive! Wait... are those the effigies? Scary... Maki made the perfect description about it. But they failed to convince Angie change her mind. They left the lab and Angie blatantly tells Himiko that Tenko betrayed the council. Himiko continues to act like an Atua puppet and that's the moment Tenko loses it. She can't stand the fact Himiko is being controlled anymore and tried to make her snap out of it and become herself again. It didn't work and Shuichi suggests they return to their rooms and think more about it. Maki suggest Tenko to have apologize lessons with Shuichi. The detective make a wrong move and asks if she is worried about him. She quickly tsuns and Shuichi thinks it's good she is able be more like herself around him. He then feels happy for being able to talk more with Maki. Yep. A triangle.
Monodam was a fish.
In the next morning, the trio is ready to go talk to Angie: Kaito the Hero, Shuichi the Sidekick and... Maki Roll? Why Maki Roll? Maki says thait Kaito is the best option for a less than straightforward approach if necessary so he had to go. Kaito explains the reason he was feeling bad was because he is scared of ghost stories. There goes my parent theory, I guess. Maki makes a valid point regarding Kaito's fear and goes jealous of the ghosts. Kaito says he isn't scared of her at all because she is a weak coward who just started training. Thank goodness she likes him, or else he would had already received a punch to the face.
If instead of going direct to Angie's lab you examine the door to the casino area, Kaito says he can't go there because he swore off gambling forever. Maki then started a little joke in which Kaito overreacts, thus cutting the mood of the joke. Kaito didn't miss the opportunity to tease her back, though, and that was the first time he said it: Harumaki. That's her japanese nickname. You know what a harumaki is? It's spring roll! That's why Maki Roll! still prefer Harumaki though
They reached the Artist Lab once again, this time Himiko was already there. They ask her to call Angie but she said she already tried but she didn't answered. Kokichi appears to use once again his lock picking skill. They open the door to find... Kaede!? No way, she is already... oh... oh no.... I was so certain Angie would be the culprit this time that I was kinda shocked to see her dead.
The investigation starts with that description of itself by Kokichi. After a thorough investigation in Angie's lab, they decided to investigate Korekiyo's knowing the killing weapon was found there. Maki suggests that Shuichi participate on the seance to keep an eye on it while she investigate the crime scene once again. He consents.
After forcing him to participate, now Kokichi is kicking him out from the seance to give his place to Shuichi. Tenko, Korekiyo and Himiko agrees, and Keebo deflects the blame to Shuichi. I feel sorry for Keebo, but Shuichi was the only one who didn't agree to kick him out!
Korekiyo explains someone must be a spirit medium and explains it works better with girls. Himiko was going to volunteer, but Tenko suggests she should be the medium for Himiko to being able to talk with Angie. Tenko is an amazing person, that should be said. I'm fearing Angie do something stupid while in her body, like killing her. But the seance begins. They chanted together The Caged Child. Korekiyo asked if the child was Angie, with no response. They dispelled the seance taking everything off, when... N-No way... It's already possible to see the blood underneath her... I can't believe this. That was basically my reaction.
They start theorizing who could be the killer until Kokichi let the c-word out loud. Kaito, who had just recovered freaked out again. But this time he couldn't contain himself, he seeked for his girlfriend. This time he didn't escape the punch to the face.
That wasn't everything, though. Remember Miu and Keebo spicy moment? That was the outcome. See? Just an inventor tinkering a robot, you perv!
Why are you that concerned? You should just ask Miu, she has that weird counting machine... does Maki really like Shuichi?!
When things were about to settle for a moment... this. THREE?! No freaking way! That must be a... lie, of course...
I'm almost exceeding the character limit for this post, so let me give my opinions on who are the killers.
Who killed Angie?
Who killed Tenko?
I'm truly sorry for making the post that long and to end it abruptly, but this chapter was really plentiful! If you're looking for the hidden message, here's a hint: first letters. Thank you all very much for being part of this V3 crusade and feel yourself hugged if you read everything until now. I see you after the class trial!
Next part: Chapter 3 Trial/Post Trial
submitted by MasatoKimitsu to danganronpa [link] [comments]


So here is a timeline I compiled from their twitter, YouTube, website, soundcloud, Vimeo, Reddit, and Discord. I’ll be updating every now and then.
Update: It turns out that they are in a parallel universe that is in 2023 while we are in 2019. There are 508 known timelines.

Reality A, Timeline 1

  • George Washington dies because of a cliff.
  • Joseph Smith, Junior, founder of the Mormon religion, is struck by a lightning bolt and dies.
  • Victor Dax is born
  • Abraham Lincoln dies because of a heart attack.
  • Victor Dax’s son is born
  • The “Event” happened
  • Victor Dax leaves his home and travels to London.
  • Victor Dax creates a cult.
  • Victor Dax fights in the Great War.
  • Victor Dax helps the deathly ill at the local hospitals.
  • Victor Dax suffered great injuries to his face due to a shotgun.
  • The Run Red Corporation (RRC) is founded
Early 1940s
  • Victor Dax’s son supposedly dies in an automobile accident. He is alive.
  • Victor Dax does USA government contracting stuff.
  • Victor Dax helps end World War II.
  • Victor Dax helps a suicide jumper down from a roof.
  • The iron boot was first picked up on in the early 50's but then properly funded in the late 50's.
  • Victor Dax cures a rare illness that blinds young children.
  • Victor Dax helps his supposedly last family relative (his distant cousin) ease into their last breath.
  • Victor Dax helps create a memory blocking gas (T-S7) that helps war veterans with PTSD.
  • The Winter Hill Transmission Tower is constructed.
  • April 12 — Ivan Glaskov is born
  • William Frost has a attempt on his life by C.I.A agent Donald Claice.
  • The Del Rune casino is built.
  • Akira Toriyama dies.
  • The Russians made a Nuclear bomb that was detonated around the Siberian wilderness. The RRC worked with them to create the TRINITY bomb. The Russians called it the TSAR Bomba. RRC multiplied the weapon by 3 times. Calling it the TRINITY bomb. Victor Dax never wanted this weapon, he thought it was unethical. Frost did it behind his back.
  • Victor Dax helps Kennedy's presidential campaign.
  • Victor helps Martin Luther King in the Washington march and other racial equality issues.
  • The C.I.A plans to assassinate Victor Dax to prevent the progress of the RRC.
  • Victor Dax finds out about the TRINITY Bomb. C.I.A agent Jackson Bridge infiltrates Site 1 to destroy prototype projects and to kill Victor Dax. 4 hours after infiltration Jackson Bridge is confirmed alive but held in custody by the RRC.
  • RRC nearly goes ankrupt.
  • RRC declares peace agreement and government funding. Rejected 49 times. Peace agreement finally resolved but government funding is low.
  • Tension between the United States and RRC settle down.
  • RRC helps with the space race.
  • Neil Armstrong dies in training.
Early 1970s
  • Turrets are made.
  • Rumors of Victor Dax surviving the attack is spread around by ex RRC employees.
  • On the anniversary of Victor Dax's “death”, a metallic locket is left on his vacant grave.
  • A “deadly force” invaded the US Government.
  • The group FMR begin to retrieve large amounts of weapons for unknown reasons.
  • Richard Nixon is notified that Victor Dax is suspected to still be alive inside site 1.
  • Victor Dax recovers from a coma
  • 2 weeks later Victor is seen walking around the grounds of site 1 via spy plane images. 1 hour later Jackson Bridge is missing from his house. Jackson Bridge can not be found. RRC is suspected of his disappearance.
  • 2 months later 15 famous writers go missing.
  • Victor swears to destroy the United States after the betrayal of his friends and himself.
  • The 15 writers are suspected to be working for RRC.
  • Inside agents at Site 1 state that the Iron Boot project has gotten out of control.
  • Wow signal occurs.
  • The last time Victor Dax takes his mask off.
  • RRC tested T-S6
  • Jimmy Carter declares that Operation Lazarus Down needs to be re initiated. 2 weeks later Victor Dax is invited to the Pentagon by JC on Live News for a world peace discussion. 1 day later Victor Dax arrives at the Pentagon. 2 hours later Victor Dax reveals a revolver and shoots Jimmy Carter in the head causing immediate death on Live television. The war starts. Operation Lazarus Down is over. The United States of America is under control by the RRC in under a month. Jackson Bridge is suspected to be held in Orwell Manor. Orwell Manor is revealed to be fake. Orwell Manor is a code name for "Death Sentence". The C.I.A. is destroyed. The underground government resistance (UGR) begins. 2 Weeks later FMR introduces themselves to the resistance. The UGR works with FMR.
  • Every week since this year, the gas T-S7 is released in dosages.
  • Victor Dax tried to recreate his blood thing by cloning himself. It didn't work. 20 dead. 5 alive. 5 in cold storage.
  • Washington D.C. is bombed with the TRINITY bomb. It becomes an uninhabitable wasteland.
  • In the 1980s China believed that they were getting "[Bleeped] over" by the R.R.C.
  • Dark Solutions is founded.
  • Mike Rivet is born.
  • P. Jones is employed by the RRC. He works at Dark Solutions.
  • Kyle Jones is born to P. Jones.
  • The Winter Hill Transmission Tower is decommissioned. This possibly due to loss of property.
  • Late 1990s: Project Nimbus begins.
  • June 5 — the last time Ivan Glaskov is seen.
  • Planet X is discovered when Voyager 1 passed Pluto and discovered large radiation readings that are constant 360 degrees around indicating a spherical origin.
  • October 31 - Kyle Jones goes missing. He was taken by the RRC.
  • P. Jones was fired due to "false" claims towards the company.
  • Dr. Ryan is reported to be staying in the housing area every night to talk to Malcolm.
  • October 31 - Stacy plans her Halloween night. She plans on staying with her family since they are worried about the recent events in the news. Her friend (boyfriend possibly) comes over to convince to go to Danny Moore’s house. They run into a officer who shoots at them but they lose him. Brad tells Stacy he is a part of the FMR. Stacy reports Brad to an officer. The officer shoots Brad.
  • Kyle Jones goes into “educational training” because of the RRC.
  • The last time Fredrick Gurensene is involved in a project.
  • George Lucas dies.
  • Kyle Jones goes through T-S7 testing. He has 90% resistance to it.
  • Victor Dax orders Frost to deactivate Malcolm as it has not been very efficient and would be cheaper and more effective if they just built a regular super computer. Procedure 10 is decided. Malcolm will revert back to default settings and its biological brain will only be used as a subsidiary CPU for basic tasks whereas a more expensive and effective CPU will be implanted to maintain the entire facility and more. It is reported that Malcolm's last words before being reverted was "Hello Samantha."

  • April 13: Project Morpheus is tested.

  • October 15 — Henry Gesh, owner of Del Rune casino, is caught loitering outside an unknown place
  • James Dell is born in England
  • The first reply comes from extraterrestrials.

  • The Subject Delta experiments begin. Kyle Jones is subject Delta. They fail.
  • Malcolm is upgraded to a larger and more cooled housing below Sector 13.
  • Marylin Monroe dies.
  • Dr. Ryan is often late and skips work. She is suspicious and will be investigated. Malcolm will be secured away from her.
  • The RRC have always said they would go to Mars since this year.
  • Dr. Ryan breaks into Malcolm's housing late at night and attempts to upload a virus to Malcolm in order set him free. She fails. She is isolated. Next day a "new software patch" (which in reality a virus) for Malcolm has arrived onto the system. Malcolm is now 1% less efficient. Two weeks later Dr. Ryan is terminated for trying to free Malcolm and stealing staff identification. She was shot on site. Malcolm is ordered to delete her files. Malcolm transfers them to his storage hold where the files can be reviewed before deletion.
  • Funding for Project Nimbus ends after it ignites. The Corporation tells the public that it was a natural gas explosion.
  • Malcolm opens the cell doors in the psychiatric ward and over 80 inmates are released. Dr. Gasher is the only one inside this ward. A malfunction with his ID prevented him escaping. He was killed by inmates. Security footage was corrupted and could not be reviewed.
  • Michael David Stevens is one of the head researchers at site 1 and has been with the RRC since this year.
  • Poverty Globally is now at 0.2%, Lung Cancer Cured, Construction Mech Suits Increase Construction by 7000%.
  • Robert Pinch goes into Malcolm's housing area and locks the doors. In the time span, Malcolm convinces Pinch to kill himself. 2 minutes later he shoots himself with a firearm stolen from the security office.
  • A broken message comes from outer space (from extraterrestrial lifeforms).
  • Project Homecoming was planned.
  • Justin Bieber dies.
  • Mike Rivet becomes a a cameraman/runner at Local 50 News.
  • Victor Dax does a TED Talk.
  • Hilary Clinton becomes President of the United States of America.
  • Hilary Clinton is assassinated.

  • March 15 — The War of 2019 occurs. RGS was released, killing billions of people (2-3 billion) in just 1 year.
  • October 31 — John Wolf and Barry Crit go missing. They are last seen at the Local 50 News station.
  • James Dell begins working for Local 50 News.

  • August 8 — A Category 4 storm hits Atlanta. It was called a Category 3 to calm people down.
  • October 2 — Richard Simmons goes missing late at night. He is last seen at at Cumberland Mall, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • September 19 — Damien Brown goes “missing”. He was last seen in the early morning at Fernbank Forest, Atlanta, Georgia .
  • September 20 — Fredrick Brune is fired from the RRC.
  • December 20 — Z goes missing and the FMR goes dark.
  • December 25 — the survey team arrived early on the moon
  • December 29 — Z returns.
  • Sarah Miles goes missing.
  • Jerry Miles goes missing. He is last seen at Dark Solutions Power Plant 5.

  • April 2 — Streamlining effective medical care for all citizens in America.
  • April 3 — Terminating degenerate impoverished groups for future households.
  • April 4 — Regenerating government health regulations for brighter uses in 2025.
  • April 5 — Poverty at 0% in New Mexico.
  • April 6 — Dismantling all drug trade in New Mexico.
  • April 7 — Sending over 1 million food parcels to civil conflict in Russia.
  • April 8 — Disrupting harmful Ransomware traps online worldwide.

  • Harry Dunham teased new TV show in 2022 called "Predictable Chaos" which is expected to be aired in the early time of this year.

  • A large probe is to be sent to the extraterrestrials' location.

  • Nearox Pharmaceuticals says a vaccine will be released by this year.

  • Spherical Industries claim that portal transportation technology will be in public use by this year.

  • The probe would reach the extraterrestrials by this year.

Uncertain if these events happened:
  • A bank robber was holding two hostages, one named James and one named David. The police were surrounding the building, so he ended up letting James go outside and then something/someone beat up David. The police knocked the robber out and when he woke up he was in this weird cell. Then that James called him and told some people to kill him. The room filled with blood and the robber drowned in it.
  • A man was at home with four family members and gas rises. Someone breaks the window and the man makes a run for the bathroom to block the gas. The family becomes insane from the gas. The dad tries to kill the man but he hides in the bathroom. He kills a brother’s friend. The man goes outside and gets killed by his girlfriend. The man then gets surgically operated on and they remove his esophagus.

Their Reality, Timeline 2

  • August 1 - Lucrusoft is started by Robert Lucru
  • Robert Lucru dies. His son Benard Lucru takes over Lucrusoft.

Our Reality

  • August 8 — The Local 50 News twitter tweets for the first time, "Good Afternoon Atlanta! First time on twitter! Don't let the thunderstorms put you down! #myfirstTweet"
  • August 25 - The L50N twitter tweets "Hello Atlanta, here is the memorial of all that we lost during that night: James Dell, Mike Rivet, Carl, Brian Tempest. They will always be remembered. [Frag Sebz F1F12]"
  • August 26
    • 8:41 AM EST — Technical Difficulty Send Warren is uploaded to the L50N Vimeo account.
    • 5:59 PM EST — FOOL hahahaha. is uploaded to the L50N Vimeo account.
    • ?:?? — The L50N twitter tweets "Hello Atlanta! We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Local 50 News #CelebrateFreedom"
  • August 27 — The Local 50 News YouTube channel is created.
  • August 30 — Esmeralda. is upload to the L50N Vimeo account.
  • September 15
  1. 10:20 AM — The David Jones twitter tweets with a video attached, "Real reason i quit my american job in nuclear power is the stupidity of my workers, especially the safety parameters on the energy output towards the city."
  2. 11:36 AM — The David Jones twitter tweets with an image attached, "May we remember all those who lost their lives defending our freedom in the war of 2019 #Remember2019."
  • September 22 — The David Jones twitter tweets with a GIF attached, "SPREAD THE MESSAGE, THEY NEED TO BE STOPPED!" The words in the GIF say, "DON'T TRUST THE CORPORATION". NOTE: The L50N twitter apparently liked this tweet.
  • October 9 — The David Jones twitter tweets with an image attached, "Iron Giants Marching across the fields"
  • October 12 — The David Jones twitter tweets with an image attached, "Industrial Disease"
  • October 15 — The David Jones twitter tweets with a GIF attached, "They are following me after what i did. It wasn't worth it."
  • October 18 — The first Discord server is created.
  • October 19 — The L50N twitter tweets with an image, "James Dell. Found."
  • October 25 — Welcome to The Run Red Corporation is uploaded to the YouTube channel.
  • October 29 — The L50N twitter tweets, "Hello Atlanta! Thinking of getting a new ride to start off your year? Well, head down to Greg Turners Chevy Dealership downtown. #EpicDeals"
  • October 30 — The L50N twitter tweets, "Hello Atlanta! Getting ready for Halloween Tomorrow? We are also getting ready with our spooky costumes and sugary gelatin for this special event. #Spooky"
  • October 31 —
    • The L50N twitter tweets, "Happy Halloween Atlanta! Please do not go out late there is a curfew. #ILikeCandy"
    • The Halloween broadcast is shown on Nightmind’s 2018 Candy Bowl.
  • November 1 — The L50N twitter tweets, "Hello Atlanta, we are very sorry to say this but we must now place our posts on automatic posting due to technical difficulties. Please wait for the new year. #Seeyousoon"
  • November 6 — The David Jones twitter tweets with an image attached, "Washington Was A Nice Place Until They Came... Look What They Did."
  • November 17 — The Discord server called Reggie Burns Radio Show is created.
  • December 10 — The second Discord server is made.
  • January 6 — “Everyman” appears on the first Discord server.
  • January 11 — Lambert is uploaded to the L50N YouTube channel.
  • January 25 —
    • The L50N twitter tweets, "Look at the similarities to find out who is without a soul. Shapes, Phrases or Facts."
    • The L50N twitter tweets with an image, "Business News: Purple Notes stock lowers by 12% BUY BUY BUY! Company CEO Missing in Arizona causes stocks to fall."
    • The L50N twitter tweets with an image, "Technology News: Spherical Industries claim that portal transportation technology will be in public use by 2045. Other tech companies are skeptic.
    • The L50N twitter tweets with an image, "Video Game News: Mechanist Games introduce futuristic virtual reality that is barely noticeable from the real world. Be careful due to the expensive hardware...$5,000!!!"
    • The L50N twitter tweets with an image, "Entertainment News: Pyramid Studios tease an upcoming short film "Murder at Winter Hill" claiming that its based on a true story but obviously not and should never be considered fact. #NotReadyForCinemas"
  • January 26 —
    • The L50N twitter tweets, "Local News: Atlanta Global Bank was recently robbed over 5 hours ago by two masked assailants, police are now commencing a full investigation of the matter and will update us with any new information. Have A Nice Day!"
    • The L50N twitter tweets, "Weather News: Good Morning Atlanta! 29 Farenheight with glowing sunshine beaming all over the glorious land of Atlanta. Wind is now at 5mph, such a nice breeze. Humidity is now 66% and for all you aeroplane pilots out there is now 10 miles of visibility. Have A Nice Day Everyone!"
  • February 3 — The L50N twitter replies to the question, "Hi, is there any way I can get in touch with a Dr. Kate Ryan" with this tweet: "[RESPONSE] Dr Kate Ryan has been deceased since 20## she can no longer be contacted, goodbye."
  • February 10 — The L50N twitter tweets with an image attached, "Technology News: Turtle Rock Industries has revealed a new research station on the moon, this will not be open to the public and will only allow TRI researchers. Currently, 40 people are stationed on the dark side of the moon researching Helium 3. What will they do next?"
  • February 11 — The L50N twitter tweets with an image attached, "Special Bulletin: Atlanta has lost a vital part of the family today. Today at 11:29 in the morning a subway train has been attacked by the radical terrorist group FMR causing 13 deaths and numerous casualties due to a purposeful detachment from the rails."
  • February 15 — The L50N twitter tweets, "Real News: We are killing a lot of people for no good reason. Are we the bad guys? Frankie persuades a lot of people these days. Your own thoughts are not your own anymore. Flush the truth, digest the medication."
  • February 19 — Local50News is created.
  • February 20 — Malcolm's Reddit account is made (u/Malcolm_404)
  • February 21 — Malcolm posts Site 1 Speculations to Local50News
  • February 22
  • February 23 — Malcolm posts The Population Standard of Site 1.
  • March 1 The L50N twitter tweets, "Hello Everyone! 1st of March which means a lot of drinking to celebrate St.Patricks day! For those too young apple juice will suffice. #CantWaitForPaddy"
  • March 5 — The L50N twitter tweets, "The tension between the United States of America and Russia is still ongoing as food shortages and heavy weather disruption cause Russia to seek humanitarian aid. "
  • March 13 — The L50N twitter tweets with an image, “Food News: Natural Nummies announced yesterday that machines may replace their employees. Many are outraged by this and employees have yet to say speak on the matter. What will Natural Nummies do? Only time will tell.”

Reality C

  • Billions of years ago: All humans die out
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are casinos open during curfew video

500 Year Old Girl Found Frozen - YouTube GTA tire pop Here's What Martial Law In The US Would Actually Look Like Swarms Of Grasshoppers Invading Las Vegas Strip  TODAY ... Corona Virus Updates - YouTube Casino Concerns During curfew Casino clubs open in Colombo (fake call to president office) New Askar Refugee Camp - IFPB Delegation August 2015 Video shows police body-slamming 14-year-old student - YouTube

So far, the state has said that all casinos can remain open. Starting November 15, however, it did introduce new restrictions, making masks mandatory for all guests and staff, and forbidding all food and drink on the casino floor. Casino closures in Iowa. Iowa has a mixture of commercial and tribal casinos, all of which are open at the Following the recent curfew announcement, which restricts movement between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., most casinos appear to have kept their normal hours. Harrah’s Resort Southern California modified Talking Stick Resort, Casino Arizona, Cliff Castle Casino and Cocopah Casino opened Monday, the day after the curfew took effect, while the Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s Casino Del Sol and the Tohono... The casino, usually open 24 hours a day, on Wednesday confirmed it will comply with the state curfew. The curfew calls for businesses to close by 10 p.m. each night for 21 days, starting Thursday.... Talking Stick Resort, Casino Arizona, Cliff Castle Casino and Cocopah Casino opened Monday, the day after the curfew took effect, while the Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s Casino Del Sol and the Tohono... Maine casinos are open but must close earlier than usual due to a curfew that has been set by the Governor. The curfew currently does not have a set end date. More on casinos in Maine The curfew currently does not have a set end date. Casinos are open but with limitations to allow social distancing. Games that require a dealer and that allow multiple players at the same time are offered, but the number of players is limited. Individuals remain spaced at least 6 feet apart while seated or standing.

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500 Year Old Girl Found Frozen - YouTube

Mga kabayan ulat dito sa saudi arabia para sa flight GACA Fb page : nard gamers. Both officers in Louisiana have been indicted on charges of battery and malfeasance in the middle school incident. Skip navigation Sign in. Search During curfew Casino clubs open in Colombo (fake call to president office) share to your freind to know. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue The mummy, called La Doncella or The Maiden, is that of a teenage girl who died more than 500 years ago in a ritual sacrifice in the Andes Mountains. The gir... Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd extends county's curfew another night ... Viejas Casino Re-open during the Pandemic lock down - Duration: 6:38. Sam's Cube 3,619 views. 6:38. Tracking the Tropics ... There is a virus running rampant in the United States known as the "T-Virus" and the US government has declared Martial Law. But what does that actually mean... Giant grasshoppers have descended on Las Vegas in such huge numbers that the swarm can be seen from outer space. Scientists say the insects, which number in ... Mohammed describes how 4 people in the New Askar Refugee Camp were killed by a missile Israeli occupation forces fired at them during curfew in the second Intifada. Since the camp was under curfew ...

are casinos open during curfew

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